Río Abierto Spain

We are a multidisciplinary team of professionals specialised in the fields of health, education, arts, communication and coexistence for harmonious development, from a holistic and integrative perspective with a therapeutic, body-mind and transpersonal approach.

In the year 1987 we founded Espacio Movimiento Río Abierto España under the direction of Graciela Figueroa. We are part of Río Abierto Internacional, led by María Adela Palcos.

Teaching and management team

Graciela Figueroa

An artist who works in harmonious development in different countries. She currently directs Río Abierto España, Espacio de Desarrollo Armónico Río Abierto Uruguay, Grupo Espacio de Artes Escénicas, and is part of the management team of Río Abierto Internacional as well as president of Fundación por la Paz Graciela Figueroa.

Armando García

Head teacher of Río Abierto and cofounder of Espacio Movimiento – Río Abierto España. Graduate in Biological Sciences. Body psychotherapist with over 25 years of experience synthesising Gestalt (AETG), Integrative Psychotherapy and Enneagram (SAT), Psychotherapy in Bioenergetic Analysis, CBT (International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis) and the unifying body-mind therapy of Río Abierto. Has received training in creativity, artistic resources, massage, yoga and meditation. Teacher and coordinator of movement and harmonization in Cristina Rota’s drama school for 15 years. Peace ambassador for the Foundation Mil Milenios de Paz (Argentina).

Alicia Gonzálvez Campos

Head teacher of Río Abierto. Cofounder of Espacio Movimiento Río Abierto España. Founder and director of Ixtlan Psicoterapia in Elche since 1984. Clinical psychologist (CV 1142), integrative and transpersonal psychotherapist, trained in Psychoanalysis, Gestalt (AETG), Bioenergetics (IPETG), Integrative Psychotherapy and Enneagram (C. Naranjo), SAT, Hartman Value Profile (A. Castro), Family Constellations (Satyarthi Wuwei), Mindfulness (Tich Nath Han) and Body-mind Therapy Río Abierto (G. Figueroa, M.A. Palcos). In constant vocational development of her profession and conscious way of life.

Mariano Castillo

Head teacher of Río Abierto and cofounder of Espacio Movimiento Río Abierto España. Director of the Munay Río Abierto Centre in Madrid. Psychotherapist psychologist. Integrates the Río Abierto System and other approaches: EMDR (AEMDRE), Brain Integration Techniques, Psychoanalysis (MJ. Salvador, P. Pablos, O. Gutierrez), Gestalt Therapy (AETG), Group Dynamics and Social Psychology (J.L. Alvarez), Creativity (P. Peñarubia), Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (P. Vick), yoga and meditation.

Marisol Román

Director of Centro de Psicoterapia Crisálida Transformación, Río Abierto in Bilbao. Head teacher of Río Abierto and cofounder of Espacio Movimiento – Río Abierto España. Graduate in Psychology. Since 1985 she has researched and developed professionally in the field of energetic body-mind therapy integrating Gestalt (appointed member of AETG), Bioenergetics (IPETG), Reichian bodywork (Blanca Rosa Añorve), Integrative Psychotherapy and Enneagram (Claudio Naranjo SAT), with Río Abierto (Graciela Figueroa, Mª Adela Palcos) and other Neo-reichian approaches (Boadella).

Graciela Andaluz

Teacher of the Río Abierto System and cofounder of Espacio Movimiento. Graduate in Medicine. Gestalt psychotherapist. Director of the Escuela Canaria de Psicoterapia Gestalt y Desarrollo Armónico. Appointed member, educator and supervisor of Asociación Española de Terapia Gestalt (AETG) and appointed member of the Federación Española de Asociaciones de Psicoterapeutas (FEAP). Teacher in Instituto Gestalt Firenze (with centres in Florence and Rome).

Betlem Casanova

Director of Espai Delta and coordinator of Río Abierto Cataluña. Peace ambassador for the Foundation Mil Milenios de Paz. Body-mind and transpersonal therapist of the Río Abierto System. Teacher in Espacio Movimiento Río Abierto España. Graduate in Physical Education, INEFC Lleida University, specialised in body-mind techniques; doctorate course in Sport Psychology, Valencia University. Trained in “Body-mind work in the light of the metaphor of birth” with Cherif Chalakani, pranic healing, vibrational healing, Bach and Californian flower systems and holistic kinesiology; artistic techniques; clown, contact dance, creative dance, authentic movement, theatre. With more than 25 years of experience in the fields of education and health with adolescents and teachers, and more than a decade of integrative body-mind work experience with different groups.

Charo Fernández

Psychologist. Director of CPH JEREZ. Teacher of the training in movement, body-mind and transpersonal therapy for harmonious development, Río Abierto System. Psychotherapist trained in Gestalt, Bioenergetics and Practitioner PNL in the Humanist Psychology Centre of Málaga and certified by APCP. MAR process for the support in grieving and bereavement. Integrative Therapy and Enneagram. SAT programme directed by Dr Claudio Naranjo.

María Luisa Nuez

Psychotherapist psychologist. Teacher of the Río Abierto System under the direction of Graciela Figueroa. Member of Río Abierto Internacional. Gestalt psychotherapist and appointed member of the Asociación Española de Terapia Gestalt (AETG) Trained in Family Constellations, Bert Hellinger model. Master in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy by the Sociedad Española de Medicina Psicosomática y Psicoterapia (SEMP y P). Coordinator of training in Gestalt Psychotherapy and Harmonious Development in the Escuela Canaria de Psicoterapia Gestalt led by Graciela Andaluz.

Pedro González

Instructor of movement, body-mind and transpersonal therapy for harmonious development in Espacio Movimiento Río Abierto España. Gestalt therapist trained in the EMTG. Teacher of Body and Movement in Estudio Corazza para el Actor. Training teacher in Espacio Movimiento Río Abierto España. Member of Río Abierto Internacional. Trained in Authentic Movement with Betina Waissman, in Integrative Psychotherapy and Enneagram –SAT Programme– and in therapeutic massage with Carmen Martín.

Norma Dipaola

Trained in movement and body-mind techniques in Espacio Movimiento. Río Abierto System. Transpersonal and integrative psychotherapy in SAT programme. Gestalt and body therapist. Bioenergetics and Integrative Therapy. Member of the coordinating team of Espacio Movimiento Madrid Río Abierto.


Miren Portillo Ciriza

Body-mind and transpersonal therapist of the Río Abierto System (Buenos Aires and Madrid), collaborator of Río Abierto España, collaborating therapist of Centro Laskurain Pamplona, training in body therapy and characterology with Valquiria Martani, transformational coaching in Koade, art therapy and Gestalt with Elvira Gutierrez. Training in body expression with Kalmar Stockoe. Trained in dance therapy (Maria Fux), research in dance and improvisation. Master degree in Psychomotricity and vocational therapy.

Francisco Lezaun

Body-mind and transpersonal therapist, Río Abierto System. Trained in Río Abierto España under the direction of Graciela Figueroa (2008-2012) and in Buenos Aires with María Adela Palcos, founder of Río Abierto Internacional (2012-2014). Collaborating member of Espacio Movimiento, Río Abierto España. Río Abierto System masseur. Therapeutic theatre in the Escuela de Juan Carlos Corazza in Madrid. Reiki therapist. Advaita meditation with Iván Oliveros (Sesha). Currently training in Gestalt therapy, body psychotherapy and bioenergetics. Coordinates groups in Surya and the Escuela Navarra de Teatro de Pamplona in boy-mind techniques Río Abierto System, and supervises personal processes.

Inma Fernández Sánchez

Body-mind and transpersonal therapist, Río Abierto System, and teaching collaborator of Work on the Self in training groups in Jerez. Gestalt therapist, certified by Asociación Española de Constelaciones Familiares Bert Hellinger (AEBH). Integrative Therapy and Enneagram, SAT programme, directed by Claudio Naranjo. MAR process for the support in grieving and bereavement. Enneagram Sufi I, II y III, directed by Abdul Karim Baudino, of the Order Sufi Naqshbandi. Graduate in Teaching specialised in the field of Physical Education.

Nieves Alfaro

Body-mind and transpersonal therapist, Río Abierto System. Collaborator of Río Abierto and coordinator of Río Abierto Málaga. Training in contemporary dance, body expression and contact dance. Initiated in Meditation in action and silence with Javier Díaz. Social educator and graduate in Political Sciences. Promoter of the integration of the Río Abierto System in social and educational fields, through work with women groups, schools and universities, as a new strategy for socio-educational intervention.

Sonia Ruiz de Arkaute Ocio

Arteterapeuta. Directora y docente de la formación de Arteterapia corporal en el centro de salud y desarrollo personal Encuerpoyalma de Vitoria. Artista multidisciplinar: estudié joyería, diseño y escultura, en la escuela Massana de Barcelona; soy gemóloga y especialista en diamantes por la Universidad de Barcelona. Llevo grupos de movimiento, danza y consciencia desde hace 25 años. Desde hace 9 años en formación en danza contemporánea y desde hace 5 en Teatro -Estudio Corazza para actores, entre otros centros. Formada en psicoterapia corporal y transpersonal para el desarrollo armónico sistema Rio Abierto. Colaboradora docente y organizadora de la formación del sistema Río Abierto en Vitoria. Autora del libro Dibujos conSentidos (2018). Actualmente sigo aprendiendo y disfrutando  del baile creativo de la vida.

Silvia Brun López-Abisab

Médica de Familia en el Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía durante 14 años. Desde entonces, Terapeuta Humanista Transpersonal: Titulada en Movimiento y Terapia  Psicocorporal y Transpersonal para el Desarrollo Armónico Sistema Río Abierto, Terapia Gestalt, Arteterapia Humanista, Terapia integrativa y Eneagrama, programa SAT de Claudio Naranjo. Formada en Enfoque Holístico de la Salud y la Enfermedad de la Dra. Adriana Schnake (Chiloé, Chile) y Bases de la Bioneuroemoción, Instituto Español de Bioneuroemoción, Enric Corberá. Directora del Centro “Mirarte” en San Fernando, Cádiz: www.mirarteconcorazon.es


Maribel Barnola

Trained in body-mind work (Río Abierto System). Promotes movement sessions for training students. Specialised in movement and functional diversity, coordinates different workshops on body and creativity in Centro Ocupacional TEAS. Trained in TCI, collaborates teaching a module on movement and functional diversity.

Lola Casanova Domingo

Graduate in Tourism. Trained in movement and body-mind and transpersonal techniques, Río Abierto System, with Graciela Figueroa. Teacher of infant massage by AEMI/IAIM. Doulas training. Trained in massage and games for children aged 1 to 6.